Routines give meaning to actions and events, while building a memory foundation for other learning. (TSBVI, 2012)
Routines are structured activities with clear beginnings, middles, and ends.
They are carried out the same way with a child until they change or evolve based on the child's needs. The consistent use of routines serves a number of purposes for children and youth who are deaf-blind, especially those who were born deaf-blind. They help children build their communication skills, learn new concepts, access the general education curriculum, and improve interactions and social skills.
They also provide a sense of security and predictability to a child's day by helping them understand what is happening in the here and now and anticipate what is coming. As they learn to use a routine, children "Understand more about the world and it seems a less hostile and frightening place" (Hodges, 2000, p. 169).
See also: Calendar Systems
Introductory Resources
Hodges, L. (2000). Effective teaching and learning. In S. Aitken, M. Buultjens, C. Clark, J. T. Eyre, & L. Pease (Eds.), Teaching children who are deafblind: Contact, communication, and learning (pp. 167-199). David Fulton Publishers.
Texas Deafblind Project. (n.d.). Communication Overview: Routines.