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Deaf-Blind Adult Perspectives

What is it like living in today's world as an adult who is deaf-blind? And what advice can adults offer to teens and young adults in the transition to adulthood? This series of articles provides a wide variety of perspectives on navigating the challenges and opportunities of adult life. Find out what the adults featured on this page did to lay the groundwork for this important transition, including how they built self-determination, established community connections, and developed skills needed for future employment and lifelong learning.

The Latest Story

In “The Hardest Job of All: Acknowledging the Costs of Showing Up,” author George Stern offers a candid look at the challenges of independence as an adult who is deaf-blind as well as his thoughts on career training and disability policy.

Breaking Down Barriers to a Meaningful Adult Life

Breaking Down Barriers to a Meaningful Adult Life

Breaking Down Barriers to a Meaningful Adult Life

Read the remarkable story of a young man who’s overcome seemingly impossible odds to become a successful college graduate, teacher, business owner, and passionate advocate for those in the deaf-blind community. Hear his advice about overcoming the challenges of being deaf-blind in school, the workplace, and in adult life.

Deafblind at Social Gatherings

Deafblind at Social Gatherings

Tiffany Kohen sitting in a field of purple flowers.

Deafblind at Social Gatherings

Tiffany Kohen shares her personal story about how isolating social situations can be. Hear what she wishes others knew about making connections with her easier, and understand why social interactions are critically important for those who are deaf-blind.

Challenges in Life Are Just Opportunities to Grow

Challenges in Life Are Just Opportunities to Grow

A woman decorates a white cake with different colored icing bags.

Challenges in Life Are Just Opportunities to Grow

Read the inspiring story of Wideline Joseph, a young woman who became deaf-blind as a teen. Find out how she used determination, hard work, and an incredibly positive attitude to overcome life’s challenges, and hear her advice for young adults who are deaf-blind.